Cristales Machine-made with short-filler Cuban tobacco this is a deceptively substantial cigar at just under six inches long. Presented in individual plastic tubes it is light bodied, pre-cut and affordable, making it a popular choice among occasional smokers at weddings or other memorable events
Flavour profile: Light Guantanamera are short filler machine-made cigars produced in Cuba using 100% Cuban tobacco harvested from plantations in the Vuelta Arriba and Vuelta Abajo regions of the island. The cigars encapsulate the very essence of Cuba with their authentic rich flavours and aromas and represent great value for money. Guantanamera was the first new Cuban brand of the 21st century and was inspired by the island?s music and fiestas, suitably taking its name from the famous Cuban song composed by Jose?to Fern?ndez.
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